Beautiful pics of Alina Zagitova feet and legs

Alina Ilnazovna Zagitova is a Russian figure skater from Russia. She is an 2018 Olympic champion, 2019 World champion and the 2018. European champion, 2017-18 Grand Prix Final champion, and in 2018, the Russian nation's champion. Alina Zagitova ranks as one of the top Russian figure skaters. The country's only athlete to win Olympic gold, as well as the World Figure Skating Championships. This is a completely different view of the gold medalist from PyeongChang 2018 who at 19 has stepped away from the sport, taking on roles such as an anchor on television and a reporter, though she hasn't completely retired from the sport of competitive skating. Tutberidze is an acclaimed coach and has trained skaters like the 2018 Olympic gold medalist Alina Zagitova, as well as 2022 Olympic gold medallist Anna Shcherbakova. She's the only Russian female figure skating athlete to have won gold at the Olympics, world figure skating Champtionships, European Championships and Grand Prix Final, and she's the first Muslim athlete to earn an Olympic gold medal, a world championship and the Super Slam. Kamila Valieva is a Russian figure skater, who has won gold at four different Olympics and World Championships in Figure Skating as well being a European Champion and Grand Prix Finals in Europe, is the first Muslim athlete to win the Olympic gold as well as a World Title and Super Slam.

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